Hello all Darksiders ! I must admit, every single time i
visit the blogs of the contributors i am so impressed by
the versatility, the originality and the beauty of all your
works of art. And i say art because i really find your
pieces to be art. Thumbs up to all of you and thank you
for contributing.
The theme for the new challenge is something that is
all the rage lately : 3D. Avatar was the movie to start
this rage and if we must believe everything we read,
this thing has only just started. Therefor i ask you to
make you scary piece in 3D this time. And you know
what is the best part of 3D art ? You do not need to
wear such a silly pair of glasses to enjoy it !
Happy, scary crafting. I can not wait to go check out
all your contributions !
Definitely sounds like a fun and interesting challenge!
nice post just to share this link http://www.thatsmyface.com/f/masks that can create a super-realistic mask of anyone from just a photo. Imagine going as yourself, your boss, your favorite celebrity or worst enemy to a Halloween party?!
Here's a bit of 3D art that might fit in: http://pansdaughter13.blogspot.com/2010/10/dia-de-los-muertos.html
Thanks for looking!
FUN! I loved this one!
my entry is http://smudgetastic.blogspot.com/2010/10/art-on-darkside-challenges-3d.html
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