post and i want to thank you all, but especially June
for the warm welcome i recieved ! Last week's moth
theme was really scary and the contributions were
once again very cool :D It is so much fun to see all
your pieces of art :)
As you will have guessed it is thursday again ... and
that leads us to our next challenge, which is :
Halloween Outfit. You can choose any medium you
would like for this challenge and decide whether it
will be your own, someone else's or any other kind
of outfit. There are no restrictions.
My own contribution is this Batterina in her orange
tutu and her batty personality ;)
I choose a 3D piece this time, but of course yours can be
2D, no worries about that. I hope that you will have as
much fun with this one as i did and i am looking forward
to see your contributions popping up :D